Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Another one rides the bus; Can some explain the ending to me?

The NY State finals have been kiboshed. This may be common knowledge to others, but I just happened to go to the website on the assumption that it was going down the tubes, and sure enough, glug glug glug. I think that originally we all underestimated the potential for covid-19 to turn the world upside down. We were optimistic that in a few weeks we’d be on the road to recovery. We were wrong. We’re not yet even at the turning point. The States tournament that we thought might sprout up at a temporary site never happened.

Putting aside forensics, I can’t imagine the disruption this is having on students in general. I watched the latest Spider-Man movie last night (Word just put that hyphen in there), and they had a little vignette about students taken away during the blip having to repeat a grade. Cute. We may not be repeating grades next year, but whatever year this is will, overall, be an incomplete, even if we don’t mark it officially as such. The Times today reported that the absentee rate on e-classes is quite high. Equipment accounts for a lot of it, of course, or more to the point the lack thereof, but also I would imagine that a certain fire in the belly has been tamped down. No doubt forensicians have a better heat-containment system in their bellies, but even they are being sorely tried. 

By the way, the Spider-Man movie (again with the hyphen!) was pretty good, although I was a little behind the curve in what the villain was actually doing, or more to the point, how he was doing it. And the ending (the very last one, not the first one or the second one), eluded me completely. One thing about watching MCO movies on disk is that you can speed forward through the credits to the codas, unlike seeing them in person and having to sit there for another couple of hours just so you can walk out scratching your head. This way you get to scratch your head right away. 

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