Monday, October 08, 2018

In which we take on a new title

I’m starting to feel like the Dean of Discipline. (We actually had one of those when I went to a Catholic boys’ high school. Now I think they just call them Assistant Principals. Same difference, but not as much panache.) I keep telling people that they need paradigms, and they keep not posting paradigms. Of course, I’ve been telling people with general emails. Next up this morning was specific emails to the Army of the Obdurate. The thing is, you simply can’t pref/strike without knowledge, or actually, you can, but not well. If 95% of the pool has paradigms, you’ll sort through those, and the last 5%, unless you know them personally, are strikes. And that is ridiculous.

The process is this:
1.     Lots of general emails.
2.     A specific email to you and your school
3.     Drop you as a judge after the deadline if there’s still no paradigm
4.     Send email to schools without judging that their goose is on the cooked side
5.     Get perplexed responses as most of the dropped finally write a paradigm and get in under the wire (there is two day’s grace—I’m not that disciplinary a dean, more’s the pity)
6.     Make ‘em pay through the nose if they don’t do their bit

I’m in the middle of it now. I’ll let you know how it works out.

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