Monday, June 01, 2015

In which we mutter

While I’ve managed to get my travel pix pretty much edited, I have to admit that Apple’s new Photos app has been way too hinky for me to be able to do much with them. For example, I wanted to put a small set up on Facebook, and while all systems said they were go, nothing actually went. I’ve got a feeling that I’ll be using iPhoto again for the foreseeable future, that is, until Photos gets upgraded or iPhoto gets kiboshed by the Apple gods. It’s far from the greatest, but at least when it organizes your photos, your photos get organized.

We live in a time of overabundance. For photo storage, I have too many free storage solutions, all of which are worth every penny I’m paying for them. At least Flickr gives me a total backup offsite. So does Amazon, I think. Apple, on the other hand, is willing to let me pay them, but obviously they haven’t earned my vote of confidence based on the local apps. One thing about film and physical photo albums: you know where everything is. Today? My Apple devices share some of my photos selected randomly. Feh. Next up I guess I have to check out Google’s solution. It’s a puzzlement. Maybe if I used only my phone as my one camera, rather than my D-SLR, things would be different. But I love my new little camera, and I don't see myself giving it up any time soon.

Speaking of Google, this year on my birthday the Google doodle was a birthday message. That is either very cool or, as my daughter says, very creepy. And it raises the question, when is Google’s birthday? Do I need to get them a present?

The new version of Byram Hills is finalized, or as finalized as a September tournament can be in June. I’ve poked around a bit on the tabroom setup, but it looks like BenK has hit most of the right buttons. I’ll be sending a blast out to Bump habitués this week to alert them to the event. I hope it draws well. I can’t believe that people wouldn’t be interested in warming up for Yale the following week. Given that Yale JV LD is one of the great predictors of eventual greatness, and that for those VLDers in the hunt getting a bid the first month of the year is a real you-can-exhale-now moment, I’m thinking good thoughts. My only worry is that it’s so early in the year that people might not be able to get their acts together in time. We’ll see. Considering that you have to plan for Yale around now, at least as far as hotels are concerned, most experienced coaches know how to get signer uppers during the off season.

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