Thursday, September 12, 2013

Heading into the last free weekend, unless you're Texan or Jewish

I think I’ve begun to find the balance between my old Yahoo account and my new gmail account. One can be for real stuff, and the other for business emaily stuff, and while the twain can meet on IOS, they’re easy enough to keep separate in the computer world. Debate on gmail, certainly, what with all the connects to Groups and Calendars and whatnot. To be honest, other than that I don’t see any great functionality benefits to gmail. Hard to get worked up over, in other words.

With any luck the Sailors are recruiting their butts off this week. I saw that JV had a couple of thousand new recruits, and O’C always has to rent Radio City Music Hall for his first meeting. I don’t think I could really run a big program from offsite, but one does have to be a little envious of the momentum of continuity. The only continuous thing on my team is me, and I’m starting to leak in a few places myself. In any case, our opening shot across the bow is next Tuesday. With any luck, they’ll unlock a room for us. With even more luck, the room will have to be bigger than the third stall down in the faculty washroom.

I told the Tiggers to open their registration a couple of days after Muchos Bronxos. I think it was last year that registration opened in the middle of the Bronx, when virtually no one’s mind was on it. I have it set so it’ll open in the early afternoon, except for O’C, for whom it will open at midnight. He needs a taste of his own medicine. He thinks people want a Midnight Madness experience for Bronx just like a Lucas film, whereas most people don’t want it for either. (Come to think of it, more people are attending Muchos Bronxos this year than attended the last Lucas film.) And I’ve seen that there are some schools who think that getting in when the bell goes off will somehow overcome their delinquent ways otherwise, whether the bell is set for midnight, tea time, elevenses or what-have-you. It won’t. Meanwhile, I haven’t seen the Tig invite yet, but the only thing I’ll change, there and at Columbia, is that congress judges need to be a real, unique requirement. They have a tendency to get lumped into the IE pool, which means that wheeling and dealing must take place during the tournament. Better to have a set group, which means that schools might actually bring people who want to judge (and can judge) the event. In other words, a little more respect for yet another red-headed stepchild. (With apologies to any redheads out there who happen to be stepchildren: I don’t make up the clichés, I just use them at the drop of a hat.)

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