Monday, May 20, 2013

Otherwise engaged

Everybody seems to be ridiculously busy in the debate world, despite there being only a couple of tournaments left. The tweets from those two venues alone (i.e., Catholic Forensic League and Non-Catholic Forensic League) are starting to fill up the page with posts like “Oh the tournament is coming, booga booga,” or “We’re ready for the tournament,” or “There are restaurants in Philadelphia that won’t poison you.” This does not bode well for awards ceremonies coming in under two hours…

Meanwhile the busyness I’m talking about is non-forensical. JV is running mini-marathons with Sara S, O’C is turning his critical thumb up on the new Star Trek film (which was a fairly predictable response from the man who took over a decade to admit he was in Star Wars Prequel Denial), and Kevin T is now halfway between being a brother and a father (which I guess makes him an uncle). Alums are graduating like crazy all over the place; CLG got her doctorate marked by a diploma the size of downtown Cleveland, and everyone on Facebook seems to be wearing a cap and gown. Sailor alums Nicole and Ben are counting down to their wedding in a couple of weeks, but I think they’re more nervous about not being able to tweet for a couple of hours than they are about pulling off the party (unless they’re just planning on going on tweeting throughout, which wouldn’t surprise me).

As for me, I was just walking down the street today, minding my own business, and as I was doing so I got a text from Ari with my picture walking down the street, minding my own business. Fortunately, I wasn’t picking my nose, which is how I mostly spend the off season.

I need that vacation I was talking about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My review was very specific: I enjoyed the film in spite of itself. It was predictable, hackneyed, and derivative. It wasn't very good. Yet somehow, I enjoyed it, and I suspect you'd enjoy it, too.

Then again, I enjoy Star Trek V.

A lot.