Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Musical lead-ins, frigate rights, season openers, amicable Menick, euphemisms (or, what's another word for Thesaurus?)

There’s still a bit of disarray at Chez HQ, but last night I was able to get back to Nostrum again. It’s been a while (and having a cold didn’t help), but it is fun to get back into it. I envision some day archaeologists uncovering these episodes and thinking, these must have changed the world. How little they’ll know! I’m incorporating some music into them, finally (not my own, but some podcast-safe stuff I found), and I also found something for the lead-in to the “View” podcast, still in its embryonic state but beginning to gel. Having the O’C interview will be a great start: they’ll come from miles around for that one. I plan to cover both his criminal record and his bizarre attraction to WDW, which means that if the FBI doesn’t show interest, at least the CIA will. Next stop, Gitmo!

Tonight is Rights night at the old Hud frigate. That is, I lead the plebes into the world of Locke & co., only to see them emerge four years later running CLT cases that prove the Supreme Court not only shouldn’t exist, but doesn’t exist. It’s sad how they all grow up; you wish you could keep them as plebes forever. Along those lines, according to O’C, there’s some cub reporter for the WSJ out there researching the rise and fall (or, for some people, the simple rise) of LD. Interesting. I guess that means that, as LD goes, so goes the Dow. If you ask me, forensics ought to be traded on the Chicago Board of Trade along with wheat, ethanol and soy bean futures. When sow bellies go down, LD inevitably goes up. I think it was Adam Smith who first pointed this out.

Sabrina sent the names for Monti. I’ll start entering them tonight. I didn’t count them up, but it looks promising. Plus there’s Pffft data on its way. The debate season, in other words, begins in earnest this week.

And I do have a couple of Sailors expressing interest in Pffft at the CFL at Regis the end of October. I like that. I’m going to hold a full tutti for the team fruttis next week (rather than the usual segregation of the early season) to discuss all manner of things, like Nov-Dec, Nov Pffft, 2007 rezzes, whether we’ll even be NFL members in 2007 (given my rez voting record, I gotta wonder what’s the point, Red Light Districts notwithstanding). Plus I’ll throw in some entertainment from the plebes, the reading from their favorite books. I like when we’re all together. And I like when we’re all apart. I like everything. I am soooooo easy to please.

And, oh yeah, I had to go to the Big Jake invitation to look up arrival time (I have a business meeting Friday morning). On their Saturday morning, they have posted that the “Tastes of the World” cuisine will be American Continental. And that, apparently, is what they call bagels in the Bronx. Then again, they could just serve debate ziti for every meal, but have it served by students of different national origin. When the Indians serve ziti, it’s Indian food. When it’s the Iranians serve ziti, it’s Iranian food. When it’s the French serving ziti, it’s Freedom food. Lordy, I’m looking forward to that tab room! I mean, I’ve already gotten the FOB award, so I have nothing to lose. Two full days of torturing O’C. It doesn’t get any better than that.

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