Meanwhile, I did order a new microphone—I don’t know if I mentioned that or not previously--and it should arrive today or tomorrow. I should stop sounding like Minnie Mouse going forward. Or, I mean, going forward, I should stop sounding like Minnie Mouse. As soon as it arrives I’ll start back on the Caveman podcasts.
I’m in the middle of Lyotard, by the way, The Postmodern Condition, which HoraceMan, the superhero without any superpowers, recommended as a readable text I’d enjoy. And he was right. Lyotard writes from a classical philosophical base, with reasonable premises leading to logical conclusions (although with a lot of hot air, but then again, bloviation goes back at least to Plato so that’s hardly a failing confined to pomos). Mostly he says what I say in Caveman, except I write more clearly and seldom have to be translated into English. I had considered a Lyotard lecture, but the book is as plain as the nose on your face, and it’s shorter than G.W. Bush’s list of positive accomplishments, so if you’re that interested, you can just read it yourself. It’s not like Baudrillard where, when you read it, you know less than when you started. The old Baudleroo is untouchable in that arena.
I never did hear what transpired with the Legion of Doom at NatNats. They do have an annoying thing about keeping their profile down to a low mumble; I’ve emailed the listserver for an update. Jeesh. I’ve also begun organizing to collect more folks to support the tournament policies (provided that the outcome of the NatNats meeting wasn’t the elimination of me collecting folks to support the tournament policies). Now that I’m tan, ready and rested, it’s time to do some work.
For that matter, I never heard what happened at the Purity of Essence LD meeting at NatNats either, although for that one I actually hadn’t expected a report, aside perhaps from something anecdotal in passing. Changes (if any) would be sent to the board and acted on officially and reported back through Rostrum and the District newsletters. I’m not expecting the end of life as we know it, but one or two small steps in the direction of simplicity couldn’t hurt. I would like to get a shot at polishing the wording of resolutions after they’re approved at NatNats, for instance. This year’s list isn’t terrible, but the judicious use of the old pencil would plug a couple of holes that may have us (all right, you, since this is all behind me now) pulling out hair for two months. Of course, I haven’t studied the list in much more than quick, cursory detail. But it looked fairly orthodox, as I remember it. I’ll dive in more deeply when it gets to be time to cast the old vote. Usually we end up getting about one out of five…
And finally, spurred on by my correspondent, young Mr. Melville, I do feel that I’m being remiss in not announcing the Students of the Day, as they do over at WTF. So, to keep parity with O’C, my choice is shown in the photograph below. Beats their folks hands down.

(Thank you, Wall of Shemp!)
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