Monday, June 22, 2015

In which we wish we were asleep

Curiously, given that I follow a bunch of debate websites, I have no idea who won LD at NSDA. Then again, maybe not so curiously. The $ircuit really doesn’t have much interest beyond its own parochial confines, and events like NatNats and CatNats don’t resonate much in that little universe. The judging is random, the competition is random, yadda yadda yadda. You’ve heard it all, and maybe contributed to it. I know I could go to the NSDA site and get all the info, but you’d think that all these places who do things like promote summer institutes would have at least a marginal interest in something beyond the tips of their noses.


Of course, I’m not completely awash in debate sites. I mean, there’s more to life than RSS. It probably flew by on my Twitter feed at some point, as do most things on my Twitter feed. Actually, a couple of feeds, one for me and one for NDCA. For a while I was posting a bit to the latter, interesting items I might come across of general debate interest, but I don’t have much time for that anymore. Oh, well.

When I wasn’t catching up on sleep this weekend—my insomnia has taken a turn for the worse lately—I did do some work on Volume 2 of the Nostrum saga. TWHS is now completely edited and annotated, and I started in on N2, the Next Generation. I’m imagining that this section will go pretty quickly, as the episodes and epistles are all readily available online, and all I have to do is reformat them, reread them and add a few footnotes. I won’t predict a pub date for the second book, since there’s no way I’ll ever actually meet it, but it is coming. I also have a lot of work to do on my website, accounting for post-coaching reality. I’ll get to it. Eventually.

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