Monday, March 02, 2015

In which we debrief on the land of lakes

Lakeland is in the history books.

The idea of tabbing a tournament one town over, where the high school is about the same distance from my house as my own high school, is pretty attractive. And following Brian M’s setup of the tournament meant little hassle except for a few of the nooks and crannies that no one ever thinks about until about round 11. Plus there’s working with Kaz and Catholic Charlie, which seals the deal. It’s going to be fun no matter what happens.

As it turned out, there were no major issues with tabroom. We lost one division somehow, where the bracketing disappeared of the first break. Whatever. We manually rebracketed, which almost worked. Then I manually rebracketed a later round, and that time it seemed to stick. More interesting was finding the screen for manual rebracketing. Brian and I knew it was there somewhere, because CP had been explaining it for ages, but I’d never actually used it before. But there it is, and shortly I’ll document it over at Adventures, and it will be captured for the ages. The idea that you can reset brackets to anything you want is interesting. Not that you’d ever want to do this in the real world, but it’s nice to know that you can. (And if it takes in the system, even better, I guess.)

The whole event was electronic. One thing we learned was that, maybe, if you personally turn off notifications, it looks like you’re getting messages but you’re not. I want to test this a bit, but needless to say, if it’s true, it explains a lot. We’ll see. In any case, e-ballots worked fine for us all weekend. And no one came storming the barricades complaining about this, that or the other, so the No Button didn’t get much use. And the tab room was pretty much quiet and peaceful all weekend, aside from us. The look on Catholic Charlie’s face when “The Mole People” came up on my iPod was pretty priceless, I will say. Spotify was very, uh, spotty, probably due to wireless issues, which is why we were not streaming songs to bring that look to CC’s face. Just to keep the savage beasts at bay, I even played a Genesis album, but CC told me it wasn’t one of their better ones. How can you tell, I wondered, but I kept the comment to myself, considering the amount of ukulele music I’ve thrusted on him over the ages.

CFL Grands this weekend. Maybe I’ll just bring a ukulele.

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