Thursday, April 09, 2009

CP demurs? - Tweets du jour - retooled

CP says I’m marginally misinformed about computers in Extemp (“predictably utterly wrong” are his actual words). I await his admittedly expert explanation. He claims to be either too busy or too pooped to pop. He also mentioned something about a local Bostwegian baseball team. How droll.

I’m spending a lot of time exploring the universe of Twitter, and am still enjoying it. I’m now embarking on a test of Seesmic Desktop, which aggregates social networks and, unlike most aggregators, allows multiple Twitter accounts. I’m looking at FriendFeed, too, which instantly (seamlessly) linked to Facebook, but there’s something about that… And, obviously, I’ve settled on the usage of the two Twitter accounts that I have, and abandoned the other hundred and twelve that seemed to have gone to ground. I’ll tell you one thing. Twitter is an iPhoner’s (or comparable’s) game. Wireless reading of tweets on a small device is peachy. But I wish so many people wouldn’t double up their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They are not interchangeable arenas, and if I follow you on one it is very annoying to see the same message on the other. As I’ve said, they serve different purposes. If you must update every breath you take, Twitter it (although even there, judiciousness is valuable). On the new (and for that matter, all previous iterations of) Facebook, constant updates are just noise.

I’ve also begun redesigning my pages, which means I’ve grabbed some free html and ported things over. It was about time to unify things a little bit. As it turns out, the new home page contains updates of the latest of both @jimmenick and @tabroom with any refresh, which is enough for the casual observer (i.e., the odd Sailor parent). So I’m covered coming and going on that front for next year. Anyhow, so far I’ve done the main home page and the about page, plus I’ve added a contact page (much more complicated than in the old days, obviously). Next I’ll address the other pages that need it. Something to do during the off season, eh?

And if you’re at all technically curious, I can’t recommend enough. It’s become my new favorite website. Add it to your RSS feeder immediately! You won’t regret it.

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