And they say that Menick doesn't have a sense of humor (click on the picture to see what I mean). Or that I am not a giving person: in honor of the photograph, which will adorn this space for the short hiatus of my WDW trip, I have posted a new treat over on the right especially for Coachean Life's Prince Charming. In a word, May the brackets be with you.
Err, "I" was missing from that. My computer is in the repair shop, and I'm struggling on this malfunctioning laptop.
I will post my full bracket here shortly, but let me just say that I LUV that you included Mungo Baobob. I am very, very impressed by your knowledge of the arcane.
I do think that Luke vs. Han and Boba Fett vs. the Emperor are really, really rough octafinals pairings.
And isn't Ewok going to be upset that Wicket isn't listed?
Are these supposed to be debate rounds? If so, here is what I've got...
Admiral Ackbard defeats Han Solo (3-0)
Chewbacca defeats Padme (2-1)
Yoda defeats Palpatine (2-1 *Anakin dissented)
R2-D2 defeats Mungo Baobab (3-0)
Admiral Ackbar defeats Chewbacca (4-0)
R2-D2 defeats Yoda (3-2)
Admiral Ackbar defeats R2-D2 (6-1)
Here is my logic. Admiral Ackbar is the brains behind the entire Rebel army and has a fairly easy draw once Chewbacca upsets Padme. Chewbacca goes deep due to the fact that as we learned in A New Hope, Wookies hate to lose. Yoda v. Palpatine is clearly the highlight of the tournament and I'm sorry it has to occur in quarters. Palpatine wins over Boba Fett thanks to some brilliant turns *giggles* on the Emporer's part. I have Yoda winning the quarterfinal matchup primarily because he has 900 years of experience. R2-D2 upsetting Yoda was a tough call, but I think that he has the technical skills to get the job done (my god do I love Star Wars humor). Finally, Ackbar defeats R2-D2 in a relatively clear final round by running a performative critique of robots.
By the way Jon, I have been trying to contact you for months. I have something really hilarious to tell you, so give me a call whenever you get the chance.
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