Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bigle X tab

One could, if one were willing to find where in the house one secreted one's floppy drive from one's Dell, export the data directly into TRPC Classic. Little Elvis types could export the data directly into TRPC Evil Pomo version. Which means I had to resort to copy and paste, since I won't use TRPC Evil Pomo version unless there's no alternative. There's about 70 souls in the novice division; more than enough for a nice rowdydow this weekend. I have privately established that breaking will count as a qual toward novice BG. Something to shoot for, eh?

I passed along my thoughts to Lynne and Kaz on the Bietzean Singleton Dilemma, where lone entries all tend to hit each other in the random rounds; he showed us this at Big Bronx. When many of your singletons are Round Robinskis, this can be a problem. I was going to block singletons against each other in the random rounds at Bump just as an experiment; at Bigle X, the need might be more pressing. And it's not hard to do. But it's not my call, of course. In fact, plenty of the singletons at Bigle are not Robinskis, so it could be more of an aesthetic issue than anything else. Still, worth mentioning.

People have been sending me cases, and they've been pretty good. My ranting and raving have obviously paid off. Some teams, of course, make it a requirement to send the coach their cases, but I'm not at that point exactly. If you're—what's the word?—confident enough (or is it or dumb enough?) to think you don't need advice, well, you're the one who has to stand up there and debate. I'll be in the tab room playing Jack. Although I do think I'll watch some RR rounds. I'm curious to hear from this year's debater vintage. But then again, I'm also bringing RCT, a Looney Tunes disk and some Seinfelds. Eminent Domain vs Master of One's Domain. Tough call.

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