Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mass tats

Last night Joe V asked for space for 14 of his little darlins going to Sma Lex (I'd already offered them a lift). So, it's a tight fit. We'll deal with it. Scarsdale has been berry berry good to us in the past, and we can only return the favor. The real issue was the coordination of the tats. As you know, the trip to Sma Lex is the great initiation, where the novices get their first tattoos at the Lex-Ink-Ton Parlor, and all those kids getting inked at the same time... Well, Big Mo is going to be up to his eyeballs in Aff Dragons and "I Do De K" slogans. But he and his needlers can handle it. Look at Emcee and Hush: they're classics, all thanks to Mo. Of course, they haven't worn short sleeves since 2002, and Hush is the only soccer player on the team to play in Dr. Dentons, but if you can get them at a weak moment, you'll see what I mean. The two of them are considered museum-worthy in six states, thirty-two biker bars and, of course, France. I'm recommending the obvious legume for young Cacahuete. Imagine: his first p-tat! At least I think it's his first.

Noah's comment to the previous entry speaks for itself. My initial reaction was to turn my back on his sort of post-California riffraff (Schwarzenegger wins one little election and Noah runs off to Israel to become a pornographer—is there no gumption in the man?), but considering that it will keep him off the streets, and I don't recall him asking for any money, it might be a good idea. The whole We Are the Horace Men, the Horace Men, the Horace Men issue is a burning one, and Noah could solve it. Plus he'll be a good influence on the activity, a traditionalist in the best sense, since he actually believes in arguing the resolution (what a paradigm!). And best of all, it might give my daughter a Spades partner at Bump, provided she gets back in time from NZ.

Speaking of which, last night, while waiting for Kurt to show up with the MHL trophies (but he didn't because it was way too dark and stormy a night), I updated everything I have on Bump, just about. I think I've missed a few LD entries, but mostly I entered them in the db. (I don't enter them into TRPC till they're official.) Looking good so far. Actually, this is the moment when I think to myself, maybe nobody's going to come after all. But we've got some Florida and Texas (Hockaday and some others I don't know), and some goober (sorry, P) from Maryland, and with any luck we might even get some entrants from, I don't know, the New York region. We did fill up last year, after all, and I turned people away. I gave Ewok the list of the Frank G rooms to go over there with Little Red and engineer us up some hardware. Little Red, btw, hasn't proven to be exactly at the pinnacle of HE; the lack of last Monday's room is a good indication of that. He who fails at Hardware Engineering fails at, oh, I don't know, something. HE is good preparation for life, I always think. Look at the Ink Brothers: they were HEs once. Look at Ewok! The Olive! Some other people whose names I've forgotten! All great hardware engineers whose names will live forever, except for the ones I've forgotten.

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