Sunday, May 10, 2020

In which we use proper English

I managed to turn on the flash on my iPhone camera. I have no idea how that happened, and it was the devil to remember A) that it was on, and B) how to turn it off. Most pix I take the flash never comes into play, so I’d unexpectedly get a flash shot in low light, curse the darkness, go to bed and forget about it, until the next time the light was low. Not that it’s hard to turn on and off, but as with all the camera features of the phone (presumably every phone) there’s a lot of options shoved into a tiny space. Anyhow, it’s off now. Until the next time to comes on for no reason whatsoever. 

Curse you, Steve Jobs.

I’ve moved things around in the dungeon chez so that I can have a little view when I’m working. Previously I stared into the corner if I wasn’t staring at the monitor. Now I can stare out the window. Feel free to walk by to give me something to look at. 

Catholic Charlie is trying to lasso the NYCFL leadership to talk about next season. It’s not as if anyone exactly knows anything, but it won’t hurt to begin brainstorming. We’re all operating under the assumption that we will have limited access to tournament travel, so this will be yet another shot at virtuality. The thing is, once schools see that they can go to tournaments without actually going to tournaments, thus saving all that travel money, won’t there be pressure to keep tournaments virtual beyond the pandemic? As I’ve said before, this might be a good thing, a barrier breaker for schools without the funds to travel. We’ll see. 

Just for the record, I happen to follow NSD Update. And they drive me effing crazy because apparently they have no regard for the English language. To wit: the verb champion means to advocate or fight for a cause. It does not mean to win a championship. NSD doesn’t know this. Or maybe they have the old Humpty Dumpty idea that words mean what they want them to mean; didn’t that go out with Derrida and the leisure suit? Anyhow, I figure no one from NSD reads this blog, which defiantly champions good usage, but this image is for them, just in case:

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