Tuesday, May 19, 2020

In which we tackle a few odds and ends

I’ve started watching Jessica Jones on Netflix and so far I’m enjoying it. There’s something about both the narrative style and content that strikes me as very comic-bookish in a good way. As I watch it I can envision it playing out on a comics page. Just out of curiosity I went to Wikipedia to check out the heroine’s backstory. Whoa! If all that comes into play it’s going to be hard to keep up. We’ll see. I’ve also been watching The Clone Wars. It has clunky animation and a narrative that plays fast and loose with continuity, but somehow it is mildly addictive. Come to think of it, The Magicians has that same problem with narrative flow. Way too many things happen offscreen, if they happen at all. I’ve put that one on hiatus for a while. Given the almost pointlessness of the drifting plot, I won’t easily lose my place in it. I’ve still got Doctor Who on hiatus as well, come to think of it. When it went off Amazon (or was it Netflix?) I was not happy. I know there’s ways of streaming it again, but I don’t want to sign up for too many services until I’ve run out of content on the ones I already have. Amazon, Netflix, Disney+ and PBS Explore seem to offer more good stuff than I’ll ever be able to watch. I don’t want to replace my old ridiculously high cable bill with a ridiculously high streaming bill.

I recently rearranged my office space, and right now I can see a very yellow butterfly working its way around a light purple spray of flowers outside the glass doors. Used to be all I could see were the spines of my fiction books from C to G. I bring this up because at this moment I’m communicating with Catholic Charlie and Kaz about working spaces as we gird our loins for Massachusetts this weekend. Among the three of us, we seem to have enough tech to launch a cyber attack on three or four rogue nations simultaneously. Whether or not Massachusetts is a rogue nation is debatable. 

Finally, some of the latest additions to the Tab room playlist: lots of Three Dog Night, some Eddie Money who was never on my radar, some of Magical Mystery Tour that I can’t believe wasn’t there in the first place given that the Beatles were added in early, the Walker Brothers, some Nilsson rarities, some Beachboys that I can’t believe [see Magical Mystery Tour], the odd Bill Wyman Rhythm Kings track, a couple of Doors tracks without Jim Morrison, Barenaked Ladies, Elvis P [yeah, I can’t believe etc., etc.], and some Band rarities. 

And that is that. 

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