Tuesday, December 11, 2018

In which we reminisce about the old weekend

Back when I first started debate, Hendrick Hudson’s Malcolm A. Bump Memorial Tournament was on the second weekend after the Thanksgiving break. It had been there since forever, and forever would it remain there. Or so one thought. Before I was involved in coaching, my daughter was a debater there. As this was the era of housing, the chez would fill up every year with folks from far and wide. The very first year, snow invaded at the end of the tournament, and we had to house some kids from the Carolinas an extra night. Segue to “I Never Has Seen Snow” from "House of Flowers"…

Snow was always a threat. When I took over, that was all I could think about. I’d start checking the extended forecasts roughly three months before the event. I was lucky, overall. One time we got hit with a major blizzard on the Friday and had to cancel, but with enough prior warning that we didn’t lose any money on food. That was the year I learned the idea of not putting dates on the trophies. (Eventually I didn’t put much of anything on the trophies except the level, i.e., semifinalist or whatever. I didn’t even put the division. Who knew how many of what one would need? I mean, I was doing this as policy ruled, then LD ruled, then PF ruled. Sign ‘em up first, then decide the allocations.)

When Newburgh gave up its second weekend in November, I was there like a shot. Ridge, which was in deepest January, took over the Bump weekend. (Baby Bump is now in February, and Scarsdale has the old Newburgh weekend.) Ridge has, I’m afraid, not had my luck on those dates. We’ve scooted out of there two times out of three, chased by hurricanes and lightning, to say the least. But this last weekend was cold but clear. And all of Ridge ran with nary a flake (at least of the snow persuasion).

Some thoughts and ideas did arise, however. I’ll talk about them tomorrow.

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