Monday, May 02, 2016

In which we account for our whereabouts while everyone else was staring in disbelief at hot browns

This weekend was my last chance to prepare for the NDCA coaches' conference later in the month. I managed to finish everything I needed to finish thanks to a relatively cold and rainy couple of days, and I'll go over it all here to share it with interested parties. I have no idea how long it runs; I'm supposed to have maybe an hour or so, but it seems longer than that to me. Plus I'm hoping for interaction with the people who remain awake when I give it. We'll see. Always leave 'em wanting more, eh?

This was also TOC weekend. This morning I saw on Fb a lot of people either congratulating other people on breaking or patting the backs of those who were retiring from the activity now that it was all behind them. Oh, the humanity. I can't say I paid much attention to the ongoing festivities, other than to note that CP was handing out yellow penalty cards left and right, when he wasn't sneaking the odd listen to "Luck be a Lady Tonight" on his PF tab music machine. Who listens to music while tabbing? Oh, right. I can't imagine not listening to music while tabbing, aside from when we're actually putting out the pairing and need to concentrate. I'll betcha things are going to be pretty dull at Hell House at Yale this September without a little "Yodeling's Greatest Hits" to get them through the battle. Anyhow, everyone knows that Palmer wasn't actually tabbing this weekend, and was instead spending most of his time catching up on the Eurovision entries. TOC? He's barely ever heard of it. Eurovision? He's got season tickets. (He's especially rooting for the Bosnia & Herzegovina rapper.)

In other news from the TOC, I noted that Sunday, during round 6 of LD, someone ran a case that actually referenced the topic that they were supposedly debating. Even though there was only one judge, that person lost on a 3-0.

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