Saturday, June 01, 2013

The Week in Facebook Poetry

Mechanical issue delay. Back to the gate.
Why am I just realizing now that they changed the back of the penny?!?!


Afternoon on the river.
She goes all the way to Jordan and buys jewelry.
My cat snores should I be worried?


A hammock of a Memorial Day evening ...
Traffic!!!!!!!!! Not with it!
Are we there yet?


Why is the Flinstone's theme song rolling around in my head?
Are you wearing your overalls, too?


How certain smells can help you lose weight.
Yes, we brought the flabongo to the wedding.


In Munich!
Today, my hair has discovered the secret of anti-gravity.


Chillin with vino.
Var föreställningen så bra som jag förespeglat?
The winner will be featured in Esquire.


Celebrating the new job with a good cigar.
Where are you these days?
I am the greatest conversationalist when talking to myself.


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