Wednesday, November 03, 2010

My congratulations to all those who got elected yesterday and intend to do nothing until their term is over except complain about the opposition

I hate Bump. (That’s enough of that.)

We chezzed it up last night. My JV has apparently totally disappeared, so it was just the captains and the three new little navy beans. Whatever. We talked mostly general stuff, like trying to determine if they really understood rights and social contract and whatnot. At one point the PC and Panivore and I got into a serious tiff over legal positivism and the source of morality, which I think made the young ‘uns heads hurt a little, but that’s the price of being a young ‘un. One of them asked when it would happen that they would magically turn into varsity people doing all the stuff the captains did, with their intensity. Eventually, I replied. If you’re lucky, I implied. Although Tik (pronounced teek) wasn’t downstairs to torture them, apparently he’d left enough of his spoor behind to send the allergic plebe into paroxysms of sneezing and fidgeting. In other words, Tik works both remotely and in person. I admire him for that.

We’ll be TVFTing tonight. I’m interested (favorably) in Brian M’s Rostrum article about re-envisioning TOC, plus we’re planning on talking rebuilding tournaments, or keeping tournaments fresh and moving with the times, things like that. Should be fun. I think we’re definitely settling into an every other week release. That seems like plenty to me. Most likely it feels like plenty to you, too.

And I’ve been polishing up registrations hither and yon. We’re pretty much set through this year for the invitationals, and of course we’re signed, sealed and delivered for Bigle X, but there’s still some gaps. And I need to look at some hotels. And there’s buses to order. And back end stuff on some of the tournaments I’m working with. And, needless to say, the DJ has been murder lately.

And, oh yeah. I still hate Bump.

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