Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Oh, what the hell...

I originally created this blog as a sort of journal of my career as a debate coach. Although it often roved far afield of that intention, it always ultimately returned to its main business. I've been going through the old entries lately, and I find it interesting that a lot of what I was thinking about forensics over a decade ago was, A) incredibly prescient, and B) on occasion, ridiculously wrong. I changed my mind about many things over the years, but mostly I did stick to my guns. There is a plus ça change aspect to the whole thing, to tell you the truth. 

In any case, when I retired from coaching, the motivation of providing a coaching journal was obviously rendered moot. While I was still tabbing my little heart out, I was pulling away from the nitty-gritty of debate. I didn’t watch rounds, and I no longer studied the trends. I kept up with the rules insofar as issues might come to the tab room, but that was the extent of it. So, with little ado, I put blogging behind me.

When I retired from my Day Job in 2019, I started doing a whole bunch of writing of a personal nature, beginning with a family history. Having a grandchild will prod one in that direction. I also began creating stories for said grandchild. The thing is, writing—my own and that of others—has always been important to me. And while I’ve been beavering away at it with decent discipline for over a year now as my main retirement activity, one thing that has been missing from my work was this particular outlet, where I could play around with the odds and ends that fit nowhere else. So I've decided to come back.

I don’t know if anyone will care one way or the other, but then again, I never did. One exercises to keep one’s muscles working: this applies as much to mental as physical exercise. My writing here will be just that, i.e., mental exercise. It will entertain me, and maybe it just might entertain some others. Who knows? 

And so we begin.

1 comment:

pjwexler said...

Welome back!