Thursday, March 16, 2017

In which we reminisce

Tonight is the annual dinner for the folks who run the NYCFL.

I've been doing debate for the group since, well, what seems like forever. At least a decade. I can remember when I went to my first dinner. I really didn't know everyone all that well, and I'm not exactly the most comfortable small-talker ever, but with this group, there was plenty of talk to go around. Most memorably, Sister Raimonde was in attendance that year, and every other year pretty much until she retired. She was a pretty frightening character from a distance, but one thing I noticed about her right away was how much her students liked her. That's always been key to my judgment of coaches: if their kids like them, they're probably okay. Kids and dogs can tell these things. And it's certainly true that not all kids like their coaches. Or all coaches like their kids. There's often a grudging respect, but not much more, and sometimes not even that. Oh, well.

Anyhow, Sister R was rather enjoyable in person, and so was everyone else. Over time the personnel have changed, but it's still fun. Of course, nowadays I work regularly with Catholic Charlie and JV, so right there we are able to settle in for one of the few social events of the year when we're together. So, it's a bit of fun for the backstagers, once again at an Italian restaurant in White Plains, right down the road from the DJ. I'm looking forward to it.

And Saturday is Grands, and everything seems to be lined up. Looking forward to that, too. I'm so easy to please nowadays.


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