Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wait. What? Wednesday? Nostrum!

In the latest episode Jules and the Nostrumite start getting a little nasty, if you ask me: “To circuit people, investing vast amounts of money every year to participate on the circuit, where the elite meet to compete, only the circuit is ‘real’ debate. Of course, if one spends that much money and energy doing something, one tends to identify it as special enough to be worth the doing. Without a solid reality distortion field, circuit debate wouldn’t exist.”
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Then again, no one is actually feeding Nostrum much of anything, so maybe not. Anyhow, this episode introduces Winnable Rugrot and the Brotherly Love School for Highly Intelligent Teenagers (or BLSHIT for short) located in Camden, New Jersey, since all good debate soap operas need a dastardly villain. I probably shouldn’t have narrated it while still in a haze after a long tabbing weekend—I sound like death eating a fig newton—but people can always read it instead. By the way, I ran into Nostrum’s biggest fan down at Penn. For TA alone, the lads will keep writing the damned thing.

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