Thursday, September 10, 2015

In which we close out the week on our way to opening day, season 2015-16

Benk wanted MJP for VLD at BH. [Note: if that makes no sense to you, maybe Google can translate it for you into English. Then again, if that makes no sense to you, are you reading the right blog?] My original reaction was, Feh, but then I thought about it and figured, well, three tiers with a couple of strikes might work. You could at least get 1s on the bubble, which is where all the true action is. So we’ll see. The worst case scenario is that people will get the judges they were going to get anyhow, but not as often. Nothing wrong with that. So I put it in. We’ll find out how it goes starting tomorrow.

On the Pups front, people are coming through the woodwork with all sorts of things that are not my job. If you send people a message that says, to wit, I am doing LD and here’s some LD stuff, you are guaranteed to get a response asking for details about Duo or Parli, which I would have thought I had implied that I wasn’t doing, but what can I say. I do try to be patient with newcomers, though. If I haven’t heard of your school, I’ll probably be nice to you for a little while. After that, I’ll only be nice to you if you are nice to me. I have nothing whatsoever to gain by being nice to spalpeens and tattie howkers (the latter being a phrase I just discovered on Google, which I will do my best to make a part of my daily vocabulary) who simply want me to hand them their hearts’ desires on a velvet pillow. I try to maintain a velvet-pillow-free zone around me at all times.

Take that, you tattie howker.

Last night I came to the end of the editing of the N2 episodes. Which means the whole Nostrum project is rapidly nearing completion. I have next to explain the clam linguini and the falling pants, and to reveal the identity of Mr. Lo Pat’s murderer, which I never got to in the canon, and N2 will be a complete wrap. After that, there’s just the handful of N3 episodes which have never even remotely seen the light of day, and it will be ready for prime time. The Vast Nostrumian Army will finally see its dreams come true.

Maybe it’s time for N4…

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