Wednesday, August 19, 2015

If this is Wednesday it must be Nostrum

Two of my favorite characters existed only in the Epistles of St. Jules to the Forensicians.

Anyhow, I said I would explain the Falutin sisters, so here goes. They are identical twins, both HDS students. One is an Episcopalian and the other is a Unitarian; I do not understand how one clan can process offspring (especially genetically equivalent offspring) in different denominations, but I can accept that, I guess. Anyhow, the young ladies in question are of French origin, and the name is pronounced fal-you-tan, and they say that it was, originally, de Falutin. This is, of course, a completely ineffectual attempt on their part to control our referring to the Episcopalian as High Falutin and the Unitarian as Low Falutin. As if—we simply cannot help ourselves. Nor can we help ourselves from being totally beguiled by these two lovely ladies, who have taken over our collective life as only divinity students can. They even have Unix the Cocker Nostrumutt eating out of their hands (although we are training the three of them to use the dog-food bowl in the future). We met High and Low about a month ago, and our fancies have been engaged ever since. The attraction seems to be requited, except that neither of them can figure out this whole Nostrum business. Non-forensicians, obviously. When they want to go out and boogie, or at least do whatever is the divinical equivalent of boogying, they don’t want to wait around while the Mite and I come up with new plot lines for H.P. Buglaroni. So there is a little tension in the old Nostrum homestead. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, try hell with two women who look alike and study the Bible all day. Whew!

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