Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Modnov, Chumps, Stealth gaps, Rokus, free mp3s, and Johnny Scarsdale we hardly knew ye'

Some things need to be done, and for some reason I’m not doing them.

First, there’s the Modest Novice. We agreed at Lexington to a civil disobedience topic, and now we need to agree on the wording. CP has set up a website, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Theoretically we should be on there arguing the exact wording, posting support materials, etc. Soon.

Then there’s The Northeast Chumps. I’ll do this tonight at the latest. We did charge O’C with finding cheap trophies, which is like sending a blind person to pick only the purple petunias. The strong thought that Massachusetts participation, expecially PF, relies on low entry fees far outweighs the need to give everyone who enters the room a diamond-studded tiara. I’ll do some math tonight and, with luck, disseminate an invitation by this weekend.

I cancelled last night’s Sailorfest. First of all, they kept saying it was going to snow, and second of all, it’s midterms season, which means no chairs in the classrooms because they take the test in the panopticon section of the building, plus the intended audience for this meeting (mostly plebes) would be feverishly studying rather than watching the legendary matchup of Stealth v Gap. Understandable, but that meant that I goofed off last night, it being suddenly an extra one in my life. Which is why I haven’t been doing the things in my life that need doing. Not that I would have done them anyhow, but you get my drift.

(One thing I did do is post the recent exegesis of the LD rules, and the rules themselves, over on the right in the greatest hits section. So I haven't been totally sleeping on the job.)

I don’t think that I mentioned that I obtained a Roku so that I have yet another way not to watch movies in addition to my enormous albeit seldom exercised Netflix habit. In a better economy I’d also be obtaining either a new Little Elvis (I was thinking of the Aloha From Hawaii Elvis) or maybe a little Asus EEE, but having seen my vast fortune eroded away lately by the winds of the recession, I’m beginning to accept that any computer that works is good enough for the time being. This is far from true, of course, when you’re not merely an operating system behind but also a hardware system (i.e., Intel-based) behind. But, still, with Little Elvis I can keep my iTunes jumping, I can organize photos, I can run tournaments, I can see on Facebook who just got dumped or who’s on “The Amazing Race” (which I still think will suffer by not having the twin brother team of Bietz and O’C, but what do I know). Speaking of Facebook, I am now friends with my DJ corporate VP, which is like being befriended there by your mother. Not that I exactly have anything to hide, but there is a vast disconnect between what I do all day and what I do all the other time, and I can’t imagine what one side might look like to the other side if someone got lost in the vortex.

I enjoyed the picture of JV with the statue of John Scarsdale on WTF, by the way. I didn’t know there was a statue of John Scarsdale on the campus. I didn’t even know there was a John Scarsdale. You learn something new every day.

And, reason number one to give away music: I get all the free mp3 notifications from Amazon, and last night I fell in love with Renee Olstead, which translates into laying out the bucks to download two of her albums. In other words, free music works just like heroin. Once they suck you in, you’re hooked. (You won’t like her, by the way, unless you’re of the Krall-Peyroux persuasion, which I doubt. You look more like a head banger to me. You always have, for that matter, but you knew that.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apropos of the panopticon shoutout, there is a high school in Houston which hosted a debate tournament I attended during my San Antonio fling in the late 1990s. So help me Jeremy Bentham, the school building interior was designed just like the same, with the cafeteria and administration HQ being where the prison guards would otherwise be. One of the things that makes Texas, Texas, I suppose.

Creepiest place I have been in,bar none, except for that one night in rural Kentucky. But I digress.