Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Whether Channel; The Sondheim Channel; The Howard TD Channel

One tries to have a blow-out MHL, and then they start predicting snow, and one wonders if one will blow out or simply stay at home doing one’s income taxes. Those are the choices for the upcoming weekend, and to be honest, I have to do my taxes either Saturday or Sunday and I was planning on Sunday, but if weather does intervene, I’ll be a day early (and a lot of dollars short). We’ll see. If there really is a serious forecast issue, I’ll cancel in advance, rather than waiting till the last minute. It’s just easier that way. But my guess at the moment is that everything will be a go, except for the Montwegians, who never go anywhere if it even looks like snow, which it always does up there in the little mountains for which they are named. I’ll decide Friday. Meanwhile O’C asked me to keep the registration open a little longer, but I’m not quite sure why. Whatever. I do know that my basement is overflowing with trophyage that needs to be distributed to worthy forensicians, and if not now, God knows when. Of course, I could give it to Pomp and O’Circumstance for his collection. I just hate to see it 1) go to waste, or 2) fill up my basement.

They’re showing “Company” tonight on PBS. The uninitiated can now find out why whenever I discuss the plans for my next vacation, most people I know start singing. I’m also chezzing up tonight; fire up the recorder, ma.

For reasons that elude me complete, I’m beginning to suffer technolust over the iPod Touch. Now that it’s been spiffed up a bit, it’s becoming way more attractive, but from what I can tell, the battery life isn’t quite there yet. I’m thinking of some machine on which I can watch 5 or 11 movies on the flight home from Barcelona (STOP SINGING!) but it looks like about 4 hours worth, which is only, say, enough time for Howard the Duck and, maybe, O’C’s bar mitzvah videos. On the other hand, how many movies does one person need to watch? I like the idea of wireless computing, and various apps that have been built into the thing, plus the promise of third-party apps coming down the line. My goal is the perfect pocket computer, or the closest I can get to the perfect pocket computer, as distinct from an iPod, which is the perfect pocket mp3 player. I quickly got over my Air technolust because, well, realistically I don’t travel all that much with a computer, and when I upgrade I want the most power possible, not the most portability. I’m even thinking Macbook Pro, but that remains to be seen. Little Elvis is chugging away fine, albeit with limited drive space, but I’m thinking that if I offload Virtual PC to a firewire drive, that probably frees up about half of the damned thing. I’m going to try it out this weekend. It’s worth a try. Then I can turn Little E over to almost fulltime reprocessing of tapes into mp3s, which has to be the slowest process in the world, and one which can’t be done while you’re trying to do any other serious computing because it eats RAM like [fill in humorous eating metaphor here]. I did play around with a Touch at the seriously crowded Apple store on 5th Avenue over the weekend. You’d think they were giving stuff away there. It’s an amazing phenomenon, the lure of Apple and Apple stores. I mean, yeah, it’s nice to check your mail and all, but we couldn’t all have been there for the wifi. People were lined up forever to actually buy stuff. Oh well. I have a birthday coming this year, eventually. Maybe I’ll buy myself something. Unless you want to buy it for me. An iPod Touch. The big one. Go for it. I deserve it, don’t I? And who better to buy it for me than you? After all, I’ve given you free blogging for years now. Where’s my payback, you spalpeen??????

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