Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just when you thought all the nuts were in the Snickers bars, Ahmadinejad turns up

No, I'm not blogging about Ahmadinejad, although the guy does break me up. He's sort of like the Iranian George W. Bush. How do these guys get into power, anyhow?

I spent about an hour last night porting over the JV Pups data. After a while, the process becomes hypnotic. Copy, alt-tab, paste, enter, enter, enter, alt-tab, copy, alt-tab, paste, click, repeat. There’s a few short of 160 JVian souls, so there’s a few short of 160 iterations of this process. Occasionally you drift so deep into your mesmerized state you paste something into the wrong box, which forces you to pay attention for a minute. Or for some reason you can’t fathom you don’t have the school entered and the program gives you the raspberry. But, overall, about 2 or 3 a minute, so you’re talking about an hour overall, which is a blazing pace, actually. Try literally typing all that data that quickly, much less accurately (I port over from tabroom.com to Excel, then into TRPC). Somewhere along the line I decided to record the process for posterity via podcast. It’s been a while since my last View from Tab, and this should make a good one. I’ll do a little at a time, including some in situ over the weekend, and with any luck, it will be interesting to, at least, well, somebody. It won’t all be about data entry, obviously. That would, perhaps, limit its appeal even further. Considering the amount of time and energy and thought that goes into planning and running any tournament, much less one this big, it should be interesting to dissect as much of it as I can. You can be the judge, when the recordings begin appearing. They won’t be heavily edited, so it shouldn’t take long for them to show up. Charge up that iPod!

Meanwhile, I see that Bietz is doing a weekly chat/podcast. Interesting. You’ll need to keep that iPod seriously charged. There’s a link on WTF if you want to check it out, but odds are that if you’re here, you’ve already been there. Done that, done this, so to speak. I find the hardest thing about podcasting is editing out the pauses. I tend to talk like Captain Kirk. Who knew? Plus it was a bit of a bother finding a decent microphone. Anyhow, good luck to him. I’ll be subscribing posthaste. We are surrounded by enormous technological possibilities; why not explore as many of them as we can?

Tonight I’ll finish the Pups data, varsity and judges. I’ll double-check for changes Wednesday afternoon, and then again Friday during registration. Then we’ll shoot the starter’s gun and get this show on the road.


bietz said...

this is my mic:


bietz said...


Anonymous said...

It's blue! I wonder why?

Jim Menick said...

It's not blue. It's just called Blue. This means that you are allowed to use blue language.

Anonymous said...

I knew, Shatner.