Tuesday, October 25, 2005


You have to ask? 27 entries in a row telling me who's still in some tournament at the other side of the country? Can I hero-worship enough seventeen-year-olds, please? Followed by national debate rankings? If you need me to explain it, you haven't been listening, or else you'll just never get it.

It has been suggested that Speecho-Americans don't sing. They do. It's just that our S-As are pretty thin on the ground at the moment. Wait till they get some momentum, and it's 99 Bottles of Beer, Slim Shady and Bohemian Rhapsody on their bus too.

I continue to get Bump registrations. They're early, but they're coming from the furthest folk afield, including those Voices people. Tomorrow we'll have the organizing meeting with the honcho parents. It's coming, in other words.

For some reason my sterling upperclassmen haven't quite gotten the message yet that if they don't judge, I will browbeat them to within an inch of their debate lives. Go figure. We go through this every year. Tonight the people who aren't judging this weekend at Regis get to select which novices can't go. That should be fun. Might thin out attendance a bit, come to think of it. Stop reading this if you're that contemptible a human being! There's only so much room for contemptibility on this team, and I get first claim.

Last night it was prepping for tonight's Judicial Activism discussion. I'll tell you, this is one topic that is as clear as a bell in its substance, but really hard to polarize into arguments (that is, if you're actually going to debate the rez; I know there's one of you out there that might give it a go). But arguments aren't my problem, so I won't worry about it. Mostly this will be argued by our team at the underclassmen level because of the lack of Nov-Dec varsity ops. Too bad, I think. And there is that sense abroad that JA is what the judges you don't agree with do, which is hard to get over. And facts won't be used much, no doubt (e.g. Scalia's voting record). Interesting possibilities, anyhow. It makes me wish I was a novice.

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