Thursday, September 29, 2005

Cry havoc!

The Jewish holidays will wreak havoc on the novices. There's no way we can meet next week. They'll never learn about the social contract! They'll be spouting Baudrillard and Foucault before they've even heard of Locke and Hobbes! They'll go over the cliff of postmodernism, never once stopping for a breath at the fount of orthodox ethics.


I guess I'll have 2 meetings on the following week, one of them on the new topic. Plus the judging chez. That makes 3 meetings. Lordy lordy, I wish we could just get together after school...

I didn't get anything done last night aside from juggling around some mp3 files. One must organize Nano and Grandpod correctly, after all. I think I've figured it all out; it keeps me off the streets, anyhow. And tonight it's the parents meeting. And tomorrow is the beginning of the weekend and I won't have any debate time really. So maybe I'll just eliminate Bump completely from the sked.

If wishes were horses, I'd bet across the board on Nostrum in the 9th.

All right, I'll use the Jewish holidays to organize the mailing lists. And then I've got to think trophies. Housing. Food (although Mrs. W has volunteered to pass along her wisdom to the next poor soul, for which I am eternally grateful). Then again, I could just ask Chef Round-the-World-Tastes-o'-Forensics O'C to help out. Give him an apron, a hairnet and a tray of ziti over Sterno, and Bump would be the hit of the year. I wonder if he's got his blog back up. He's pretty erratic. Then again, you probably wish I were more erratic. Hey, it's not my fault you're reading this (especially you, you-know-who-you-are. Do your bio homework. Leave me alone.)

If you haven't noticed, by the way, I've got a nice little list of podcasts over there on the right these days. Lopate rules, but the rest ain't shabby, and there will be more on the way. I've got to stay up late nights just to keep up.

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