Monday, July 18, 2005


Okay, I really will actually do something on Little Elvis real soon now, rather than just loading software. I didn't even turn it on yesterday (golf, of course) but I must get down to business before the whole summer is over and I'm trying to catch up in September. It's like summer reading. Who actually starts reading the books before the last week of August? (Of course, here I'm only including the people who intend to read the books, as compared to those who will google the plots and hope for the best.)

#6 (my daughter's copy) arrived from Amazon Saturday. Good grief. I am going to save it, myself, for when I need it. Like the next time I get on an airplane. I'm doing too much reading now during the day for work; HP would simply be wasted.

Anyhow, I've been seriously considering simply adding Pffft to the HH LD palette. I mean, I worked up the new MHL rules and sent them out to Kurt for a once-over on Saturday, and we are including Pffft at MHLs. And there's plenty of Pffft elsewhere, including TOCs, for pete's sake. So it's not as if it's some poor, sad orphan going nowhere. And the topics are usually pretty interesting, and the nature of the beast means that you do have to actually address those topics in the rounds. Sort of like policy without the tubs, as in, you've got to know some stuff, but you don't have to break your back lifting it onto the bus. Definitely forces you to read the papers and do research. My thought is this: first, Pffft is open only to LDers who have completed a full novice year of LD. Second, we'll have a session a month specifically discussing the topic (open to all), plus chezzes as necessary. And anyone who wants to Pffft at a tournament is welcome to do it, but judging parents will be required, and, at least to begin with, any need to purchase judges will be prioritized for LD. I see Pffft as a potential area for folks who want to vary their approach to the activity. It's "lite" compared to LD, and allows you to keep your hand in while not becoming a debate fanatic. I've only begun cogitating on this seriously, but I will do something, one way or the other.

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