Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sisyphus and the Honey-Do List: A True Myth

One is just the busiest little beaver, but having, it would appear, little to show for it. The thing is, I’m getting a bit wrung out at the DJ, which means that when the evenings roll around and it’s time to revolutionize debate in our lifetime, I’m more inclined to watch “House” or play Lego Star Wars (I’m on episode 4, which is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in any videogame, probably because, well, it’s aimed at 8-year-olds, which is about my age in gaming years). I’m also reading Updike on art (Just Looking), which is one of the best books I’ve read in a while, absent the DJ. I might even go see Watchmen, but I wouldn’t bet any money on it, as I tend to be more critic-like than fanboy-like in my tastes.

Things to do:

1. The Modest Novice
2. Theory debate curriculum
3. MHL Workshop curriculum (and date, and place)
4. Prep Sailors on vigilantism (i.e., it’s pronounced vig-il-ANT-ism, not some other bizarre combination of the letters, and definitely not vigilante-ism or vigil-aunt-ism)
5. Get States info to Statesfolk
6. Hope I only reserved 4 rooms for CatNats and not the 20 that I’m afraid I reserved because there was no acknowledgments page and, well, you just don’t want to know
7. Find map of Needham
8. Run Bobcat with O’C (or run O’C with bobcat, whichever comes first; with luck, a tale of great debate adventure will ensue since he’s bunking at the chez again, but if not, at least he and I can sing obscure Disney songs to the Panivore on the ride over)
9. Pray for debatable CatNats Pffft topic
10. Explain to Panivore what a fried clam is, and that they are eaten by choice and not as a torture technique
11. Miscellaneous, etc.

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