Friday, June 13, 2008

Farewell to the Bahamas…

So I’ve decided to stop recording Nostrum podcasts. I did a lot of them, roughly two years’ worth, and I feel like enough is enough. I will post the rest of the episodes as pdfs over the next few weeks, though. There’s no reason to let the work of Jules and the Nostrumite fall through the internet cracks. The story never does end, but it does go on for about as much as has already been published. And the ones I did record will remain available for anyone interested.

And so as the sun sets in the West, we bid a fond farewell to beautiful, exotic Nostrum.

Meanwhile I feel I do have to get cracking on the summer chores I’ve set for myself. So far all I’ve been doing is playing with photos and music and generally entertaining myself. But I have a full and rich to-do list in Remember the Milk, and I would like to be able to erase something off of there before the summer is over. Next week. Definitely next week. Or so.

I guess now we all settle back and watch the NatNatters go at it. I haven’t heard of any meetings to renovate LD or PF, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some. I certainly liked what they did to LD a couple of years ago, although I was a little disappointed that it had no specific effect outside of the literal NFL universe. But at the same time, there has been a lessening of tension in the LD universe lately. I don’t get the sense that enemy armies are facing each other from their dark and muddy trenches as they seemed to be a couple of years ago. I’m not quite sure why the tensions have eased, but dedicated soldiers of the VCA will recall that back in the day I was of the persuasion that many mountains were being built out of molehills, and we seem to have retreated from explosive-change-or-die back to evolution. LD, or any activity, should be allowed to evolve if that evolution makes sense. If we believe in the value of what we are doing, then testing it against other ways of doing it is a noble venture. To paraphrase Mill, either we’ll prove we were doing it the right way, or we’ll learn a better way of doing it. Either end is fine by me.

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