Thursday, February 09, 2006

Old homeys

Noah dropped by yesterday. Now that Stripe is gone I guess he feels it's marginally safer to enter the building, although Pip did give him the evil eye on occasion. Got and gave various updates on various old-timers. One thing we didn't discuss was how he would be featuring pornmeister on his resume when he sets out for law school. I mean, do you lead with this, or put in on a special adults-only second page? My guess is that most law schools would see this as the perfect background for anyone wishing to become an attorney, but more I cannot say being that this is, well, a PG page. My daughter was originally scheduled to join us but now that she's joined the ranks of the gainfully employed (in a literary agency, a la Jared). she couldn't make it up from the city for the night.

We talked a little about novices (and I still have to work out my Modest Proposal for same, which does not include eating them, for the most part [and that's the perfect example of what I mean when I say, If you were smarter, I'd be funnier]). He suggested the idea of using MHLs as some sort of institute or training beyond just the rounds. Actually, he was positioning one's entire first year or two as non-competition-oriented. Interesting idea, worth developing. I'll get on it with, if you'll pardon a pun you won't understand, with all swiftness.

Speaking of which, what, if anything, do people read in schools these days? When I was recently talking about firing cannnons over the water to raise dead bodies a la Huck, I was regarded as more insane than the usual everyday insanity regard that I am used to... Although I do have to admit I never have understood how that cannon was going to do the job, so if someone can enlighten me on that, please go for it.

Off to Scarsdale tomorrow. There's hints of snow in the forecast for Saturday but I'm ignoring them until tomorrow, at which point they'll either be the Blizzard of '06 or minor showers and not to worry. Fingers crossed, yet again.


Anonymous said...

coincidently, we read a modest proposal last year along with huck finn.

Anonymous said...

I read 'em both too. Oddly, I have to read Huck Finn again this year...for a Toni Morrison class.

Jim Menick said...

Obviously the team is smarter than I thought. Which would mean that I'm funnier than they thought. Sort of...

Anonymous said...

You really underestimate your readership.