I sort of like it. Very Caveman. I threw it together yesterday in the ongoing revision of the team website. I'm using the template of the Hen Hud Forensics site, which was originally a borrow from A&L (and you can see the similarities if you stare at it long enough). I'm trying to get that unifed look, if you know what I mean. IdratherdiethanjudgeatBump had volunteered to help me out, but he disappeared when I told him what I really wanted was to move the blog to the new site. Can't say as I blame him, to tell you the truth.
Last night's meeting was all novices, plus the usual officer representation, plus the odd bodkin thrown in because I guess there was nothing good on television. The novs, it appears, not only remain blissfully unaware of this blog, but they're not even aware of the jimmenick.com site. Techno in spades, I guess. It's not as if it's printed at the bottom of every email I send them—Oh, wait a minute. Hmmmmm. If they're not looking at the team info, I can't imagine what they're doing on their computers. I don't think I want to know.
Both Newguy and Newnewguy were there last night, but they both seem pretty insistent on not debating and, if at all possible, not coming to any more meetings. Our content last night was basic philosophy again. There was plenty of griping early on that Mr. T was teaching them imaginary numbers, and then I had to break their little hearts by explaining that all this SC stuff was merely metaphoric. Imaginary ethics. Imaginary ontology? We gave them a pretty straightforward approach to Nov-Dec, too (I doubt if any of them will really grok the Nino article I sent them, although it is a Neg in a Nutshell).
And speaking of nutshells, you gotta love Bush and Alito! I'm actually willing to go on record that Slammin' Sammy is going down. (Maybe I say this because, if he gets in, we'll be living with Bush Bushwa for, oh, the next 50-60 years or so, that being how the law works around here. If you're at all interested in due process, gay rights, women's rights or any of that useless rights nonsense, Slammin' Sammy is probably not the guy for you, bub.)
Random: Tonight we're having a small Pfffft chez. Next week we'll have a tutti on Monday on strategy and tactics. Tuesday I have to meet with the transportation czars of HH, no doubt to figure out a way to conserve diesel fuel. I continue to bang on doors trying to get a site for the 12/3 MHL. I wish I could get the room list for 11/12. If I can get enough parents, Mini-B will have Pfffters. I'm still waiting for the checks from the MHL bank account. Only one NFL district person seems to be interested in the new double-entry rule. I'm signing up for Little Lex today, and beginning to worry about Big Lex. The speech team's updated team list was, uh, unique, and remains in their hands. The Duo demo will be on 11/15 after the tutti grande Bump prep meeting. I've added a new podcast ref to the right, there. My earbud lanyard finally arrived. I need to update Grandpod and get rid of all those Track 1 through 10s by "Artist." When in the name of all that is holy will I actually read the complete New Yorker set on disk that I just bought? Calatrava's Turning Torso is giving me nightmares; I have GOT to get to the Met (and I thought that just seeing the Fra As would be satisfactory). My entire team is obsessed with learning how much exposure to peanuts is necessary for Peanuts, the team member, to roll up in a ball and die. No one seemed to know that Caveman was finally finished. And, as you can tell, it's not even lunchtime yet.
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